Perjalanan kali ini saya akan menuju puncak gunung Rinjani. Gunung Rinjani terletak di Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Gunung setinggi 3726 mdpl ini menjadi gunung berapi tertinggi kedua di Indonesia. Perjalanan ini saya awali pada hari Selasa. Saya dan teman saya, mengambil cuti tiga hari plus libur dua hari untuk melakukan ekspedisi ini.
This time I will be traveling to the summit of Mount Rinjani. Mount Rinjani is located in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Mount as high as 3726 meters above sea level became the second highest volcano in Indonesia. For this trip I start on Tuesday. Me and my friend, taking five days off to make this expedition.
Segala persiapan kami lakukan untuk kenyamanan perjalanan. Beberapa barang yang harus disiapkan antara lain :
1. Makanan :
- Beras, mie instan, dan roti
- Telur, sarden, kornet, mentega
- Biskuit, coklat, minuman sachet
- Rice, instant noodles, and bread
- Eggs, sardines, corned beef, butter
- Biscuits, chocolate, drinks sachets
2. Perlengkapan :
- Tenda, matras, sleeping bag
- Kompor, nesting, sendok, garpu, pisau, piring
- Rain coat, baju ganti secukupnya
- Tents, mattress, sleeping bag
- Stove, nesting, spoon, fork, knive, plate
- Rain coat, a change of clothes
Perjalanan kami mulai dari Jakarta menggunakan pesawat menuju Lombok, NTB. Waktu itu kami menggunakan penerbangan dengan harga Rp. 600 ribuan. Kalau di hari weekend atau hari libur, harga tiket pesawat bisa mencapai Rp. 900 ribuan atau lebih. Dengan melakukan perjalanan pada weekdays kita bisa menghemat budget.
Our journey started from Jakarta by plane to Lombok, NTB. At that time we use Lion Air, the price is Rp. 600 thousands. If on the weekend or holidays, airfares could be Rp. 900 thousands or more. By traveling on weekdays we could save on the budget.
Penerbangan dari Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (CGK) menuju Lombok Praya International Airport (LOP) ditempuh sekitar 3 jam. Sesampainya di Lombok, anda bisa menggunakan mobil sewaan untuk bisa mencapai Sembalun dengan harga Rp. 300 ribu. Namun, saya cukup beruntung karena kami dijemput oleh keluarga dari teman saya. Mereka bersedia mengantarkan kami menuju basecamp Gunung Rinjani yaitu di Sembalun. Ini adalah salah satu cara untuk melakukan penghematan dalam melakukan traveling. Manfaatkan bantuan dari kerabat, saudara, atau teman sesama traveler. Bawakan oleh-oleh untuk mereka dari tempat anda berasal, itu akan membuat mereka senang.
Flights from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (CGK) to Lombok Praya International Airport (LOP) taken approximately 3 hours. Arriving in Lombok, you can use a rental car to reach Sembalun. the price is Rp. 300 thousand. However, I was lucky because we were picked up by the family of my friend. They are willing to take us to the base camp of Mount Rinjani in Sembalun. This is one way to save the budget while doing the traveling. Take advantage of the help of relatives, siblings, or a fellow traveler. Bring a gift for them from where you come, it will make them happy.
Dari airport menuju Sembalun kami tempuh sekitar 5 jam karena kami harus membeli perbekalan untuk pendakian. Salah satu cara agar terhindar dari biaya overload bagasi penerbangan adalah membeli perbekalan pendakian di tempat tujuan. Sehingga bawaan kita tidak terlalu berat saat di pesawat.
From the airport to Sembalun we takes about 5 hours because we have to buy supplies for the climb. To avoid of overloaded baggage airlines cost, you should buying climb supplies at the destination. So we are not too severe congenital on airplanes.
Sesampai di Sembalun kami menginap semalam karena kami sampai di tempat tersebut sudah malam. Esoknya, setelah sarapan kami mendaftar di pos pendaftaran di Sembalun. Harga tiket masuk waktu itu sangat murah, hanya Rp. 2500.
Once we arrived at Sembalun, we stay overnight because already evening. The next day, after breakfast we signed in at the registration post Sembalun. The price of admission at that time was very cheap, only Rp. 2500.
Once we arrived at Sembalun, we stay overnight because already evening. The next day, after breakfast we signed in at the registration post Sembalun. The price of admission at that time was very cheap, only Rp. 2500.
Tiket Masuk Taman Nasional Gunung Rinjani / Admission Mount Rinjani National Park (Photo : Wildan Indrawan) |
Kita harus mengisi segala berkas yang telah dipersiapkan oleh penjaga pos. Dari pos pendaftaran/ basecamp menuju pos 1 sekitar 3 jam berjalan kaki atau bisa memtong waktu 1 jam dengan menyewa jasa ojek. Ojek itu akan mengantarkan anda dari basecamp hingga batas antara kebun warga dan jalur pendakian. Harga sewa ojek Rp. 25.000 per orang.
We have to fill all the files that have been prepared by the post guard. From the post registration / basecamp to the post 1 take about 3 hours by walking, or you can save the time 1 hour with hire a motorcycle taxi service. Motorcycle taxi that will take you from base camp to the boundary between the locals plantation and the hiking trail. Motorcycle rental price Rp. 25,000 per person.
Pemandangan menuju pos 1 adalah padang rumput yang sangat luas dengan latar belakang puncak Gunung Rinjani nan elok.
The view to the post 1 is very broad meadow with a background of exquisite peak of Mount Rinjani.
Pendaki dengan background Gunung Rinjani / Climber with a background of Mount Rinjani (Photo : Rangga Hilman)
Sebaiknya anda menyediakan persediaan air yang cukup untuk melakukan perjalanan menuju pos 1, karena di sepanjang jalur ini tidak ada sumber air. Untuk meringankan beban, anda juga bisa menyewa jasa porter dengan harga Rp. 150 ribu per hari. Jasa yang ditawarkan porter ini adalah membawakan barang dan memasak untuk anda. Ada juga guide dengan tarif Rp. 200 ribu per hari yang siap memandu anda menuju pincak Rinjani.
We recommend that you provide sufficient water supplies to make the trip to the post 1, because along this path there is no source of water. To lighten the load, you can also hire the services of a porter at a price of Rp. 150 thousand per day. Services offered by porter are, the bringing goods and cook for you. There is also a tour guide for Rp. 200 thousand per day, are ready to guide you to the summit of Rinjani.
Para pendaki asal Norwegia di padang rumput setelah pos 1 / The Norwegian climbers in the savanna after post 1 (Photo : Wildan Indrawan)
Yang biasa menggunakan jasa mereka adalah para pendaki mancanegara dan ada juga pendaki domestik dengan budget berlebih. Profesi para porter itu sebetulnya adalah petani. Mereka menambah pemasukan keuangan keluarga dengan menjadi porter. Dari remaja hingga orang tua banyak yang berminat menjadi porter karena bayaran yang cukup menggiurkan bagi mereka.
The people use their services is foreign mountain hiker and domestic hikers with big budget. The porter's profession actually are farmers. They add the income by being a porter. From teenagers and old people are interested become a porter because the price is quite lucrative for them.
Para porter sedang mempersiapkan makanan untuk tamu di pos 2./ The porter is preparing food for guests in post 2 (Photo : Wildan Indrawan)
Dari pos 1 menuju pos 2 tidak terlalu jauh, sekitar 1,5 jam kami tempuh. Di pos setinggi 1500 mdpl ini terdapat sumber air yang cukup banyak untuk mengisi ulang. Di pos ini banyak para pendaki yang beristirahat dan para porter pun mulai memasak untuk para tamu yang mereka pandu.
From post 1 to the post 2 is not too far away, about 1.5 hours we we can reach it. In the post as high as 1500 meters above sea level, there are plenty of water sources to recharge. In this post many of the climbers were resting and the porters started cooking for their guests.
Kami memilih untuk tidak beristirahat di pos 2 dan melanjutkan ke pos 3. Sekitar 2 jam kami tempuh untuk menuju pos 3. Beberapa hewan liar seperti monyet atau burung banyak dijumpai di sini. Coret-coretan di bebatuan juga banyak terlihat di sini.
We chose not to rest in post 2 and went on to post 3. Approximately 2 hours we reach to the post 3. Several wild animals such as monkeys or birds are often found here. The graffiti on the rocks too much visible here.
Pemandangan pos 3, nampak banyak coretan di bebatuan / Scenery of post 3, looks much graffiti on the rocks
(Photo : Wildan Indrawan)
Monyet-monyet makan di tempat sampah di pos 3 / The monkeys eat in the trash in post 3 (Photo : Wildan Indrawan) |
Di pos 3 kami beristirahat dan memasak untuk makan siang. Mi instan adalah pilihan bagi kami untuk menghemat waktu, karena perut sudah lapar. Di sini terdapat sumber air juga namun tidak cukup besar aliran airnya. Hal yang patut disayangkan adalah kesadaran para pendaki untuk menjaga kebersihan. Banyak sekali sampah di sepanjang perjalanan, terlebih di setiap pos perhentian. Sampah organik ataupun non organik yang menumpuk dan berterbangan jadi pemandangan yang biasa di sini. Sampah makanan kadang menjadi konsumsi para monyet.
In the post 3 we rest and cook for lunch. Instant noodles are an option for us to save time, because we are very hungry. You can found the spring water here but the water flow is not large enough. Unfortunate thing is the awareness of the climbers to keep clean. Lots of trash along the way, especially in the every post. Organic or non-organic trash is piling up. Sometimes the monkey eat the trash.
Porter memikul barang bawaan pendaki di 7 bukit penyesalan. / Porter carry the luggage in 7 hill regret.
(Photo : Rangga Hilman)
Tujuan kami selanjutnya adalah Plawangan Sembalun. Untuk menuju ke sana kami harus melalu 7 bukit penyesalan, begitu orang menyebutnya. Terdapat 7 bukit yang cukup terjal untuk dilalui dan konon kenapa disebut 7 bukit penyesalan adalah karena pendaki bisa menyesal mendaki Rinjani karena harus melalui bukit ini yang kemiringannya cukup menguras tenaga. Namun itu hanya untuk sebagian orang, bagi kami tak ada yang bisa menggantikan kepuasan untuk melihat keindahan alam ciptaan Allah.
Our next destination is Plawangan Sembalun. To get there we had to through the 7 hills of regret, the people call like that. There are 7 hills steep enough to pass. Thats why supposedly called, the 7 hills regret. The climbers can feel regret to climb Rinjani because they have to through these hills that slope is strenuous enough. But it is only for some people, for us nothing can replace the satisfaction to see the natural beauty of God's creation.
Our next destination is Plawangan Sembalun. To get there we had to through the 7 hills of regret, the people call like that. There are 7 hills steep enough to pass. Thats why supposedly called, the 7 hills regret. The climbers can feel regret to climb Rinjani because they have to through these hills that slope is strenuous enough. But it is only for some people, for us nothing can replace the satisfaction to see the natural beauty of God's creation.
Memang melelahkan untuk melewati 7 bukit penyesalan ini dengan beban di punggung seberat 22 kg. namun kami menjalani dengan santai sambil bercanda dan berkenalan dengan pendaki lain. Hujan gerimis tidak menyurutkan langkah kami, hingga pada akhirnya kami sampai Plawangan Sembalun pukul 20.00. Dengan cepat kami dirikan tenda untuk segera beristirahat.
It's exhausting to get through the 7 hill of regret with a load in the back and the weight is 22 kg. but we pass it with ease while joking and get acquainted with other climbers. Drizzling rain can't stop our step, until we reach Plawangan Sembalun at 20:00. We quickly set up the tent to get some rest.
It's exhausting to get through the 7 hill of regret with a load in the back and the weight is 22 kg. but we pass it with ease while joking and get acquainted with other climbers. Drizzling rain can't stop our step, until we reach Plawangan Sembalun at 20:00. We quickly set up the tent to get some rest.
Beristirahat di bawah guyuran hujan di Plawangan Sembalun. / Rest in Plawangan Sembalun. (Photo : Wildan Indrawan)
Perut sudah sangat lapar dan tidak memungkinkan untuk memasak makanan berat. Kami makan roti dengan selai untuk mengganti energi yang sudah terkuras. Malam itu kami bermalam di situ dan berencana melakukan summit attack pada dini hari esoknya.
We are very hungry and impossible to cooking some meals. We eat bread with jam to replace energy that has been depleted. At that time, we spent the night there and plans to going to summit in the early morning on the next day.
Waktu menunjukkan pukul 03.00, di luar tenda kami terdengar suara beberapa orang mulai pendakian menuju puncak. Kami terlambat bangun!! Seharusnya pendakian menuju puncak kami rencanakan pukul 01.00. Alhasil kami berangkat pukul 03.30 dan menjadi rombongan terakhir yang berangkat ke puncak. Dengan berbekal headlamp, beberapa coklat, dan sebotol air, kami berangkat mengejar ketertinggalan.
It was at 3:00, outside the tent we heard the sound of some people started climbing towards the summit. We woke up late! Supposedly we want to climb to the summit at 01.00. As a result we set off at 03.30 and become the last group that went to the summit. Armed with a headlamp, some chocolates, and a bottle of water, we set off to catch up.
It was at 3:00, outside the tent we heard the sound of some people started climbing towards the summit. We woke up late! Supposedly we want to climb to the summit at 01.00. As a result we set off at 03.30 and become the last group that went to the summit. Armed with a headlamp, some chocolates, and a bottle of water, we set off to catch up.
Seorang pendaki duduk kelelahan di jalur pendakian menuju puncak Rinjani. / A climber sits exhausted on the hiking trail to the summit of Rinjani. (Photo : Wildan Indrawan)
Perjalanan menuju puncak dari Plawangan Sembalun ini cukup terjal di awalnya namun setelah sampai di atas Plawangan Sembalun jalur menuju puncak tidak cukup terjal. Kami berdua rombongan terakhir bisa mengejar ketertinggalan dari pendaki lain. Suhu waktu itu sekitar 9-14 derajat celcius. Angin cukup kencang, banyak pendaki yang tiarap untuk menghindari terpaan angin yang sangat dingin itu.
The first step of journey to the summit from Sembalun Plawangan quite steep but after I got over Plawangan Sembalun, track to the summit is not steep enough. We both can catch the last group of other climbers. Time temperature was about 9-14 degrees centigrade. The wind is quite strong, many climbers are prone to avoid exposure to cold winds.
Pukul 05.30 kami di tengah jalur pendakian menuju puncak disuguhi pemandangan spektakuler. Matahari terbit!! Sebenarnya pemandangan ini kami harapkan dapat kami temui di puncak namun kami hanya bisa menyaksikan di ketinggian 2900 mdpl.
Tidak ada yang perlu disesali karena pemandangan danau Segara Anak dapat dilihat dari sini. Spektakuler !! Subhanallah kami terdiam sesaat tercekat melihat keindahan ini.
05.30 we were in the middle of the hiking trail to the summit, there is a spectacular view. Sunrise!! Actually we hope we can watch this scene at the top, but we can only watch at an altitude of 2900 masl. Nothing to be sorry because Segara Anak lake views can be seen from here. Spectacular!! My Holy God, we paused for a moment choked seeing this beauty.
05.30 we were in the middle of the hiking trail to the summit, there is a spectacular view. Sunrise!! Actually we hope we can watch this scene at the top, but we can only watch at an altitude of 2900 masl. Nothing to be sorry because Segara Anak lake views can be seen from here. Spectacular!! My Holy God, we paused for a moment choked seeing this beauty.
Saya dengan background danau Segara Anak dari jalur menuju puncak Rinjani. / Me with the background of Segara Anak lake in the track to the summit of Rinjani (Photo : Rangga Hilman)
Medan pasir dan berbatu di jalur menuju puncak Rinjani. / Sand and rocky terrain on the path to the summit of Rinjani (Photo : Rangga Hilman)
Pendakian kami lanjutkan, dan kami sampai puncak pukul 08.30. Kami adalah orang terakhir yang mencapai puncak. Di sini kami berfoto secukupnya dan tidak berlama-lama karena suhu yang cukup dingin serta angin yang cukup kencang. Untuk berfoto di puncak sejati Rinjani ini anda harus mengantri karena banyak pendaki lain yang ingin melakukan hal yang sama. Puncak Rinjani cukup sempit, hanya selebar sekitar 5x6 meter jadi cukup berbahaya jika terlalu banyak orang di situ. Beruntung bagi kami antrian sudah tidak ada dan pendaki lain sudah mulai turun.
We continue the ascent, and we reached the top at 08.30. We were the last climber to reach the top. In here we take pictures and not to linger because the temperature is quite cold and the wind is quite strong. To take a picture at the top of Rinjani's, you have to queue up as many other climbers who want to do the same. Rinjani peak is quite narrow, only about 5x6 meters wide, so quite dangerous if too many people there. Lucky for us there is no queue and the other climbers have started to fall.
Kami di puncak Rinjani. / We are in the summit of Rinjani (Photo : Pendaki) |
Menuruni puncak dan kembali ke Plawangan Sembalun dibutuhkan waktu sekitar 2 jam. Sesampainya di tenda kami mengambil air untuk kegiatan memasak. Letaknya sekitar 10 menit jalan kaki dari Plawangan Sembalun. Di sini kami beristirahat, memasak nasi dan perbekalan yang kami bawa.
Peak and back down to Plawangan Sembalun takes about 2 hours. Arriving at our tent to fetch water for cooking. It is located about 10 minutes' walk from Plawangan Sembalun. In here we rested, cooked rice and supplies.
Tenda tempat bermalam di Plawangan Sembalun dengan background Puncak Rinjani. / Our tent in Sembalun Plawangan with the background of Peak of Rinjani (Photo : Rangga Hilman)
Memasak instan di Plawangan Sembalun. / Instantly cooking in Plawangan Sembalun. (Photo : Rangga Hilman) |
Tenda tempat bermalam di Plawangan Sembalun lengkap dengan jemuran dan tempat memasak. / Our tent in Plawangan Sembalun complete with a clothesline and a place to cook. (Photo : Rangga Hilman) |
Kami bermalam di sini untuk mengumpulkan tenaga karena besoknya kami berencana menuju danau Segara Anak karena danau ini adalah tujuan utama kami melakukan perjalanan ini.
We camped here to recharge our energy,because the next day we planned to head towards to the Segara Anak lake because it is our main goal is to travel.
We camped here to recharge our energy,because the next day we planned to head towards to the Segara Anak lake because it is our main goal is to travel.
Bangun pagi setelah sarapan kami menuruni bukit plawangan menuju danau. Perjalanan cukup jauh sekitar 3 jam kami harus lalui dengan berjalan santai. Medan berbatu dan cukup terjal di awal track. Banyak burung berkicau di jalur ini. Pemandangan danau yang hijau dikelilingi pohon cemara dan pinus dari kejauhan membuat kami ingin segera bergegas sampai di sana.
Waking up the morning after breakfast we set off down from the Plawangan hill towards to the lake. The distance is far enough around 3 hours we had to go through with a leisurely walk. Quite steep and rocky terrain at the beginning of the track. Many birds chirping in this pathway. The view of the lake surrounded by green spruce and pine from afar makes us want to immediately rush to get there
Waking up the morning after breakfast we set off down from the Plawangan hill towards to the lake. The distance is far enough around 3 hours we had to go through with a leisurely walk. Quite steep and rocky terrain at the beginning of the track. Many birds chirping in this pathway. The view of the lake surrounded by green spruce and pine from afar makes us want to immediately rush to get there
Jalur menuju Danau Segara Anak dari Plawangan Sembalun. / Track to Segara Anak Lake from Plawangan Sembalun (Photo : Rangga Hilman)
Amazing! Itulah kata yang kami sebut ketika sampai di danau Segara Anak. Segera kami mencari spot terbaik untuk mendirikan tenda. Kami memilih di ujung danau dengan pemandangan gunung Samalas dan puncak Rinjani. Sungguh kami merasa di surga. Pemandangannya AMAZING!
Amazing! That the first word when we reached the lake Segara Anak. We are looking for the best spot to set up camp. We chose at the end of the lake with views of Samalas mountains and peaks of Rinjani. Indeed we feel in heaven. The scenery is AMAZING!
Amazing! That the first word when we reached the lake Segara Anak. We are looking for the best spot to set up camp. We chose at the end of the lake with views of Samalas mountains and peaks of Rinjani. Indeed we feel in heaven. The scenery is AMAZING!
Tenda kami bersama tenda pendaki lain di pinggir Danau Segara Anak. / Our tent with other climbers tents on the edge of Lake Segara Anak. (Photo : Wildan Indrawan)
Segara Anak merupakan sebuah danau yang terletak di kaldera Gunung Rinjani Desa. Segara (laut) anak berarti anak laut yang di yakini sebagai bagian dari laut yang terpecah ke dalam sebuah pulau. Hal ini di dasari atas warna air yang biru seperti laut. Danau ini terletak pada ketinggian kurang lebih 2000 mdpl.
Segara Anak is a lake located in the caldera of Mount Rinjani. Segara (Sea), Anak (a child). The child of the sea believed to be part of the sea split into an island. Because the water is blue like the sea. The lake is located at an altitude of approximately 2000 meters above sea level.
Segara Anak is a lake located in the caldera of Mount Rinjani. Segara (Sea), Anak (a child). The child of the sea believed to be part of the sea split into an island. Because the water is blue like the sea. The lake is located at an altitude of approximately 2000 meters above sea level.
Seorang pendaki memancing di danau Segara Anak. / A climber fishing in Segara Anak Lake (Photo : Wildan Indrawan)
Tenda kami nampak dari kejauhan, di belakangnya adalah jalur pendakian dari Senaru. / Our camp from afar, and the behind of our camp there is a track to the Senaru (Photo : Wildan Indrawan)
Lots of interesting things to do in this lake. In the lake there are a lot of fish like, tilapia and carp. These fish were bred deliberately by the government and local communities to increase the main attraction of the lake Segara children. Do not forget to prepare for the fishing equipment if you are interested to climb Mount Rinjani.
Air terjun tempat pemandian air panas di dekat danau Segara Anak. / Waterfalls and hot springs near the lake of Segara Anak. (Photo : Wildan Indrawan)
Setelah kami dirikan tenda dan merapikan barang kami bergantian untuk mandi di tempat pemandian air panas di dekat danau. Sungguh nikmat sekali mandi air panas setelah bercapek-capek melakukan perjalanan kemarin. Letaknya agak jauh dari tenda kami, sekitar 1 km. di dekat sumber air panas itu juga terdapat mata air yang biasa digunakan untuk minum atau masak. Air danau tidak direkomendasikan untuk diminum dan air dari sumber ini yang lebih direkomendasikan karena airnya lebih bersih dan layak konsumsi.
After we set up our tents and clean up, we took turns to bathe in the hot springs near the lake. It's all deliciously hot shower after traveling yesterday. It's quite far from our tent, about 1 km. near the hot springs, there are also springs used for drinking or cooking. The water from lake is not recommended for drinking and the water from these sources is more recommended because the water is clean and suitable for consumption.
After we set up our tents and clean up, we took turns to bathe in the hot springs near the lake. It's all deliciously hot shower after traveling yesterday. It's quite far from our tent, about 1 km. near the hot springs, there are also springs used for drinking or cooking. The water from lake is not recommended for drinking and the water from these sources is more recommended because the water is clean and suitable for consumption.
Malam di danau ini sungguh menyenangkan. Cuaca cerah dengan taburan bintang yang gemerlap menemani kami bercengkrama dengan pendaki lain. Nampak rombongan lain sedang bernyanyi-nyanyi di sekeliling api unggun. Merekapun berbaik hati untuk membagikan makanannya.
Night at the lake was really fun. The weather was good with a sparkling of the stars and accompany us to chatting with other climbers. It appears another group was singing around the campfire. And they kind enough to share the food to us.
Night at the lake was really fun. The weather was good with a sparkling of the stars and accompany us to chatting with other climbers. It appears another group was singing around the campfire. And they kind enough to share the food to us.
Saya dan segelas susu panas yang enak. / Me with the deliciouz hot milk (Photo : Rangga Hilman) |
Memasak nasi goreng di malam hari. / Cooking fried rice at the night. (Photo : Wildan Indrawan) |
Esoknya kami berkemas untuk kembali ke peradaban. Jalur yang kami tempuh adalah jalur Senaru. Dari danau Segara Anak kami harus naik ke Plawangan Senaru baru kemudian turun ke basecamp Senaru. Jalur ini agak berbeda dengan jalur Sembalun. Senaru lebih terjal jalurnya, agak berbatu, dan diselimuti hutan. Butuh waktu sekitar 8 jam perjalan dari Segara Anak menuju Senaru.
The next day we packed up to go back to civilization. The path we take is the path of Senaru. From the lake Segara Anak we have to go up to Senaru Plawangan then down to basecamp Senaru. The line is different from the path of Sembalun. Senaru steeper path, a bit rocky, and heavily forested. It took about 8 hours walking from Segara Anak to Senaru.
The next day we packed up to go back to civilization. The path we take is the path of Senaru. From the lake Segara Anak we have to go up to Senaru Plawangan then down to basecamp Senaru. The line is different from the path of Sembalun. Senaru steeper path, a bit rocky, and heavily forested. It took about 8 hours walking from Segara Anak to Senaru.
Kami bersama pendaki asal Australia di gerbang Senaru. / We are take a photo with Australian mountain hiker in the gate of Senaru (Photo : Pendaki) |
Transportasi untuk kembali ke kota sama halnya seperti pemberangkatan. Di basecamp sudah ada mobil yang bisa disewa untuk kembali ke kota. Atau bagi yang mau bermalam, di sekitaran Senaru juga banyak hotel atau losmen untuk menginap. Kami memilih untuk langsung kembali ke kota karena besok sudah harus kembali ke Jakarta dengan kenangan indah di Gunung Rinjani.
Transport to return to the city as well as departure. At base camp there a cars that can be rented for a return to the city. Or for those who want to stay overnight, Senaru also many hotel or inn to stay. But we chose to going back to the city because tomorrow we should be going back to Jakarta with beautiful memories of Mount Rinjani.
Budgeting from Jakarta by Plane :
1. Jakarta (CGK) - Lombok (LOP) : Rp. 600.000 (weekdays)
2. Airport tax : Rp. 40.000
3. Car rent : Rp. 300.000 (dibagi 6 orang @50.000)
4. Tiket masuk Gunung Rinjani : Rp. 2500
5. Ojek menuju track pendakian : Rp. 25.000
6. Perbekalan pribadi : Rp. 200.000 (perkiraan)
7. Rental mobil dari Senaru menuju kota : Rp. 300.000 (dibagi 6 orang @50.000)
8. Tiket Lombok (LOP) - Jakarta (CGK) : Rp. 700.000 (weekdays)
Transport to return to the city as well as departure. At base camp there a cars that can be rented for a return to the city. Or for those who want to stay overnight, Senaru also many hotel or inn to stay. But we chose to going back to the city because tomorrow we should be going back to Jakarta with beautiful memories of Mount Rinjani.
Budgeting from Jakarta by Plane :
1. Jakarta (CGK) - Lombok (LOP) : Rp. 600.000 (weekdays)
2. Airport tax : Rp. 40.000
3. Car rent : Rp. 300.000 (dibagi 6 orang @50.000)
4. Tiket masuk Gunung Rinjani : Rp. 2500
5. Ojek menuju track pendakian : Rp. 25.000
6. Perbekalan pribadi : Rp. 200.000 (perkiraan)
7. Rental mobil dari Senaru menuju kota : Rp. 300.000 (dibagi 6 orang @50.000)
8. Tiket Lombok (LOP) - Jakarta (CGK) : Rp. 700.000 (weekdays)
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